
Dotdrop leverages the power of Jinja2 to handle the templating of dotfiles. See the Jinja2 templates docs or the below sections for more information on how to template your dotfiles.

Templating or not templating

The dotfile config entry template and the global config entry template_dotfile_default allow to control whether a dotfile is processed by the templating engine.

Obviously, if the dotfile uses template directives, it needs to be templated. However, if it is not, disabling templating will speed up its installation (since it won't have to be processed by the engine).

For dotfiles being symlinked (absolute, relative or link_children), see the dedicated doc.


Dotdrop uses different delimiters than Jinja2's defaults:

  • Block/statement start = {%@@
  • Block/statement end = @@%}
  • Variable/expression start = {{@@
  • Variable/expression end = @@}}
  • Comment start = {#@@
  • Comment end = @@#}

More info in Jinja2 templating docs

Importing macros

Macros must be imported with context in order to have access to the variables:

{%@@ from 'macro_file' import macro with context @@%}

For more information, see the dedicated Jinja2 docs.

Dotdrop header

Dotdrop is able to insert a header in the generated dotfiles. This allows to remind anyone opening the file for editing that this file is managed by dotdrop.

Here's what it looks like:

This dotfile is managed using dotdrop

The header can be automatically added with:

{{@@ header() @@}}

Properly commenting the header in templates is the responsibility of the user, as Jinja2 has no way of knowing what is the proper char(s) used for comments. Either prepend the directive with the commenting char(s) used in the dotfile (for example # {{@@ header() @@}}) or provide it as an argument {{@@ header('# ') @@}}. The results are equivalent.