Template methods

Besides Jinja2 global functions, the following methods can be used within templates:

  • exists(path): returns true when path exists
{%@@ if exists('/dev/null') @@%}
it does exist
{%@@ endif @@%}
  • exists_in_path(name, path=None): returns true when executable exists in $PATH
{%@@ if exists_in_path('exa') @@%}
alias ls='exa --git --color=always'
{%@@ endif @@%}
  • basename(path): returns the basename of the path argument
{%@@ set dotfile_filename = basename( _dotfile_abs_dst ) @@%}
dotfile dst filename: {{@@ dotfile_filename @@}}
  • dirname(path): returns the dirname of the path argument
{%@@ set dotfile_dirname = dirname( _dotfile_abs_dst ) @@%}
dotfile dst dirname: {{@@ dotfile_dirname @@}}

Custom user-defined functions can be loaded with the help of the config entry func_file.


The config file:

  - /tmp/myfuncs_file.py

The python function under /tmp/myfuncs_file.py:

def myfunc(arg):
  return not arg

The dotfile content:

{%@@ if myfunc(False) @@%}
this should exist
{%@@ endif @@%}