Merge files on install

Dotdrop allows to merge multiple files into one using Jinja2's include directive.

For example, let's assume you want to keep your .vimrc split into multiple parts in dotdrop: * <dotpath>/vimrc.d/top: top part of the file * <dotpath>/vimrc.d/bottom: bottom part of the file

And you want dotdrop to merge all those files into ~/.vimrc whenever you process your .vimrc with dotdrop.

First make sure ~/.vimrc is present in your config file:

    dst: ~/.vimrc
    src: vimrc
    - f_vimrc

Note that the subfiles (vimrc.d/top and vimrc.d/bottom) are not known to the config and do not need to be.

Edit the stored vimrc file to include the other files, for example:

$ cat <dotpath>/vimrc
{%@@ include 'vimrc.d/top' @@%}
filetype on
set t_Co=256
set tw=0
set tabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set expandtab
set nocompatible
set nomodeline
syntax on
{%@@ include 'vimrc.d/bottom' @@%}

The include path parameter needs to be relative to your dotpath.

Dotdrop will then automagically include the files into your vimrc when handling f_vimrc.

Merge all files in a directory

To include all files in a directory, a combination of dynvariables and Jinja2 directives have to be used.

Let's say all files in <dotpath>/toinclude need to be included into a dotfile.

First define a dynvariables in the config file which will look for files to include in the above directory:

  allfiles: "cd {{@@ _dotdrop_dotpath @@}}; find toinclude/ -type f | xargs"

Note that _dotdrop_dotpath is part of the built-in variables (For more, see template variables).

Then use the generated list in the dotfile template:

{%@@ for f in allfiles.split() @@%}
  {%@@ include f @@%}
{%@@ endfor @@%}