Handle special chars

Detect encoding

Text file encoding can be identified using, for example, file -b <file-path> or in vim with :set fileencoding.

Here's an example of encoding that will fully work with dotdrop:

$ file -b <some-file>
UTF-8 Unicode text, with escape sequences

and another that will mislead the compare command and return false/inaccurate results:

$ file -b <some-file>
ISO-8859 text, with escape sequences

Special chars


The use of dotfiles with DOS/Windows line endings (CRLF, \r\n) will result in the comparison (compare) returning a difference where there is none. This is due to Jinja2 stripping CRLF.

One solution is to use dos2unix to re-format the dotfiles before adding them to dotdrop.

See https://github.com/deadc0de6/dotdrop/issues/42.

Non-Unicode chars

Jinja2 is not able to process non-Unicode chars (https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/2.11.x/api/). This means that dotfiles using non-Unicode chars can still be fully managed by dotdrop; however, when comparing the local file with the one stored in dotdrop, compare will return a difference even if there is none.

Either replace the non-Unicode chars (see below Re-encode) or accept the fact the comparison shows a difference while there's none.

See https://github.com/deadc0de6/dotdrop/issues/42.


To change an existing file's encoding, you can use recode UTF-8 <filename> (see recode) or in vim :set fileencoding=utf-8.